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2018 Theme: Centre


Standing in the stillness, then spiralling ever in and out,

we dance the wheel and return to Centre.


We anchor to our deepest parts of self,

centre in love, and radiate into the worlds.


There is a place for you here,

in this kaleidoscope of possibility.  


There is a place for you here,

in the cauldron of all that was, is and can be.


We began our magical journey in 2014 with Earth, then Air, Fire, and Water. This is the fifth year of the Aurora Borealis Witch Camp; we continue our five year theme of working with the Elements of Magic. For 2018 we turn to Centre with a focus on love. We expect between 20-30 campers.


The visioning team is clear that love is a big part of this work. Self-love, divine love, love of the earth and humanity. 




On our journey from Circumference to Centre, we embrace Spirit. As we move through life with the elements around and within us,  how do we know our own Centre? In this path, we gather twice a day to tend the Cauldron of Centre, of Spirit; what's brewing inside? We will delve into alignment with Dignity, Deep Listening, and Devotion as we also expand into Shadow and Love. Going deep to embrace our shadows and peeking through the veils of time, we seek the pulse of our own beaming hearts.  How can we devote this wealth of Love to ourselves? With support from the Elements we will travel through and between Time. What is in the Cauldron of all that Was, Is, and Shall Be? How do we cultivate that Centre and root into our truth, power, and divinity? As we return again to Centre, we will anchor deeply, commit to our highest selves, and radiate outward.


This Path will be a mix of discussion, playful games, deep reflection, somatic practices, time travel, aspecting, song, dance, ritual trancing, and more.


This path is appropriate for all levels- magical beginners to experienced witches.

Click here to meet our teachers!

Path Description

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